Priority Alzheimer’s
October 28th, 2011

AAQI Little Quilts Made By My Group - 2011
I’ve been involved with the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative since it was founded by Ami Simms, whose Mom was afflicted by this terrible disease. Their main fundraiser is the sale of Priority Alzheimer’s Little Quilts — quilts that fit into a priority mailing envelope. Their goal was to bring 1500 little quilts to International Quilt Festival in Houston, and THEY DID IT! All sales go directly to fund research for Alzheimer’s Disease, which also afflicts my mom, who now lives in an Alzheimer’s facility.
Watch the video above to see some of the quilts that will be for sale this year in Houston.

Tiny Trees by Gail Garber
This is one of the quilts that I donated to the 2011 Priority Alzheimer’s Project. This “Tiny Trees” will be for sale in their booth on Row T of the main exhibit hall at International Quilt Festival, Houston.
Here’s a link to another of the projects undertaken by AAQI, “Alzheimer’s: From Heartbreak to Hope” Each of the purple rectangles bears the name of a loved one who was afflicted by the disease. My Mom’s name, Sylvia, is among them. The strips were taken around the country and people lined up in droves to add the name of their loved one. Each of the strips was quilted and bound to make this amazing exhibit.