Painted Stitched Canvas Class with Katie Pasquini-Masopust
November 12th, 2013
A minor blog emergency happened here yesterday — my laptop died!!! Yes, it is really dead, all dead, even though it is only 6 months old. The good news is that it is still under warranty so it will be fixed up, good as new, in another week or so. But, I didn’t get a blog post done yesterday. So, I bundled up my hard drive with all the photos on it, and took it to the office — where it still sits. Now, back home and ready to post on my big computer, the photos from Houston aren’t here! I guess it’s time to take a little break from showing IQA competition quilts and explore more local happenings, right here in good old Albuquerque.
We are very fortunate to have such a well-known quilt artist living just down the road in Santa Fe, a mere hour’s drive. Katie Pasquini-Masopust taught her two-day Painted Stitched Canvas class at Ann Silva’s Bernina Sewing Center. I was lucky to be one of the 20 students in her class. Even though I had taken the class a couple of years ago, I had so much fun that I did not want to miss out. Besides, Katie had new material.
We began by painting three canvases, each in a different color palette.
This allowed us to continue painting while the wet canvases dried on the shop floor.
We added bits of fabric for texturs and then added more paint. What a blast! Most of us didn’t want to stop the building our layers. But, stop we must. One of the items on our supply list was to bring a painting shirt – which most of us did. It was about then that Steve Silva, shop co-owner, strolled by the classroom, wearing in his perfectly pristine blue shirt — not a spot on it. We set about correcting that asap!
Painting Steve was progressing well, but he just needed something else . . . . and, Katie had taught us about splatter painting.
Out back they went, Steve and Ginny, for the Finishing Touches. It’s a good thing that Steve is a good sport! But, back to work on the real reason for being in class!
The next step was to cut the three canvases apart and reassemble them – just like we do in quilting. We created a painted fabric collage from our parts.
It was fascinating to watch the various combinations emerge. Great creativity in this room, inspired by an amazing teacher.
Once the collage was to the student’s liking, the pieces were stitched together.
Above are just a few of the student projects! We all have enough work completed to make even more combinations. Katie also taught us to make a Six-minute Zipper Bag and book covers for the not-so-lovely paintings. What a great two days! Thank you, Katie, for being such a great teacher and Thank you, Steve, for being a good sport!
Here’s what I did in class! I highly recommend this class for everyone, even novices! It is way too much fun and the sewing skill level is easy!
Thank you for the pics. Really appreciate them.
Hello-what a fun day! It was great seeing all the very artistic participants, and of course i loved seeing just one more sample of your creative abilities. Always, s