International Quilt Festival – IQA Competition – Art/Naturescapes Category
November 3rd, 2013
I was fortunate to be able to look at the competition quilt at my leisure during the wholesale part of the International Quilt Market. During these days, the aisles with the quilts are largely empty as shop owners and other quilt business folks are trying to either buy or sell the latest, greatest notion or fabric so that you will find it in a shop near you very soon. But, while the aisles are nearly empty, making photography easy, none of the show winners are not identified as such until the International Quilt Association (IQA) Awards Ceremony on Tuesday night. Because there are so many quilts that captured my camera lens with their uniqueness and beauty, I plan to show them over the next few days. Clearly, the Art/Naturescapes category was one of my favorites. Below are a selection of quilts from that section.
The quality of all the entries amazes me each year. This year, I noticed an increase in the quality and quantity of machine quilting in many pieces, both those stitched on a longarm and those created on a home sewing machine. When I photograph a quilt, I take the image of the quilt first followed immediately by a photo of the label, so I can be sure to give credit to the amazing artists that make this show so wonderful.
Janey said this about her quilt, “A photo of Canyonlands in southern Utah Haunted me for several years. With permission of a photographer, the unusual rear lighting, early morning glw, and dancing tree in a confined colorful canyon provided a challenge that could not be resisted. Beauty exists in unusual places, and this needed to be shared”. Original design based on photograph by Robert Lefkow.
Although, in my less than stellar photo of this quilt, there appears to be little quilting, this piece is beautifully quilted with stitching that complements the intricate graphic design. It was an IQA award winner in its category.
Shirley says, “The landscape theme of the quilt utilizes straight lines and geometric shapes, including circles and semicircles. Primarily pieces, the trees are machine appliqued. White fabric paint gives the suggestion of snow on the mountain tops”. Original design.
“The delicate, highly perfumed flowers of the cactus contrast strongly with the columnar and prickly stems. The large flowers bloom only at night, attracting moths and insects, and last only from one sunset to the next.” Original design by Beth Miller.
Although my photo does not do justice to the quality of the piecing and quilting, this is an amazing piece.
“The machine quilted leaf images are stitched in spring green as upright buds at the top left and change to full-sized leaves at the top right. The leaves take on fall colors and angle more downward toward the middle and, finally, are brown and drop vertically at the bottom of the quilt. Original design inspired by Esterita Austin’s class.”
This masterful piece was “designed to use the hand-dyed sky fabric and was inspired by Kansas winters,” said Ruth Powers, “where even in the bleakest of times, there is color to be found”. Original design.
Amazing quilt, stitched by some incredible artists!
Stay tuned . . .