Donna Stewart, The Wool Patch
June 1st, 2011

Donna Stewart and Hubby
At Harihari, we visited Donna Stewart and her husband in their home, a tea with outstanding scones, and more surprises

Visiting Donna Stewart - Hand-dyed Wool
Donna works exclusively in wool, and had a small basket of hand-dyed wool for sale. Her business, the Wool Patch, will be undergoing changes soon. Donna is pursuing her dream, and after eight years of trading and meeting some wonderful people, she will be studying art and design full time at Christchurch Polytech.

Visiting Donna Stewart - Wool Quilt with Birds
Donna’s work is unique and all of her quilts are wool. This one features many of New Zealand’s rarest birds.

Visiting Donna Stewart - Traditional Wool Quilt
While this quilt is more traditional.

Visiting Donna Stewart - Jane Reames
Everyone, especially Jane, really enjoyed the show and tell, but the biggest surprise was ahead – –

Visiting Donna Stewart - Sleeping Puppies
PUPPIES! Their Jack Russell terriers had produced six little pups one month earlier.

Visiting Donna Stewart - Justine, John and puppy
Justine holds up one of the pups so it can get a smooch from our driver, John.

Visiting Donna Stewart - Betty with puppy
Betty was instantly in love. I suspect there will be a puppy in her near future.

Visiting Donna Stewart - Judy with Puppy
It’s a good thing that we would all have to get on a trans-Pacific flight. Otherwise, we might have had to scrap over who got to take one home. Here, Judy bonds with another pup.

Visiting Donna Stewart - Mama Jack Russell Terrier
While we were acting like besotted fools, Mama Dog just took it all in stride. Thank you, Donna, for sharing your home with us.