Farewell to Halibut Cove
July 3rd, 2013
We waved good-bye to the amazing staff at Stillpoint Lodge. Most of them are working throughout the summer season in return for room, board and tips! Each was dedicated and professional. In conversation with several of them, I learned that most had found the job on a site called CoolJobs which bills itself as the coolest jobs in the entertainment industry!
And then we were off, to board the Danny J and return to Homer. Once there, the hustle and bustle was impressive as everyone’s belongings got schlepped up the VERY steep board ramp (tide was out) and into the various vehicles. We joined in the melee, packing up Maret’s SUV and heading down the road. However, it wasn’t long after that that Maret suddenly pulled over on the side of the road.
There she was! Our first really good look at a moose, not 30 feet away. She seemed unconcerned abut us, taking many photos from the photography blind also known as a car. We were careful not to get out so as not to disturb her meal. What a treat!
As we drove northward, we looked out across Katchemak Bay at the other side of the peninsula toward the distant mountains. That part of the peninsula, which is roadless and sans humans, leads to the elusive Aleutian Islands.
As we neared the Portage Glacier and the run around Turnagin Arm, we stopped for lunch and some photos. It was our farewell kiss to the magnificence that is our northernmost state. But, true to it’s very nature, Alaska still had a couple of treats up its sleeve.
Among the short grasses, a veritable bouquet of yellow bloomed across the countryside. It was the lowly dandelion, brilliantly shining amid a thousand siblings. Again, thanks to Maret Anderson of Seams Like Home for this amazing experience!
But wait . . .