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Artwork by Others

Competition Quilts at New Zealand Quilt Symposium

Classes at Symposium were held at the College, about a mile from the exhibit center where the quilts were hanging. So, I was only able to visit the show once to see the competition quilts, on my lunch hour.  It was a hurried visit with a dying camera battery, I managed to photograph some of the highlights.  Below are some of my favorites.

Belle Rouge by Ansa Beytenbach

Belle Rouge by Ansa Beytenbach

This first place winner was nothing short of remarkable, from the design, to color use, to the quilting and binding.  Simply stunning!

Traditions with a Celtic Twist by Anna Williams

Traditions with a Celtic Twist by Anna Williams

Anna Williams’ quilt above show exceptional workmanship and is heavily quilted.  One of the things that makes this quilt unique is the offset border on two sides only, showcasing the four different blocks in the quilt.  Another exceptional piece and a first place ribbon too!

Stan's Flower Garden by Christine Singleton

Stan’s Flower Garden by Christine Singleton

Another first place winner, this miniature is incredible.  At first glance, one might think the above image is of a larger quilt, but no!  Look below at the image that shows the prize winning ribbon for size comparison.

Stan's Flower Garden for size comparison with ribbon

Stan’s Flower Garden for size comparison with ribbon

Pretty amazing!

Land Use Change in Canterbury by Donna Rowan

Land Use Change in Canterbury by Donna Rowan

This triptych is unusual and effective in presenting the story that the quiltmaker tells in fiber.  The use of earthtone hand-dyed fabrics also is effective and the heavy quilting complements the pieces.  Another first place quilt.

The Devils Marbles (Karlu Karlu) by Veronicah Hampton

The Devil’s Marbles (Karlu Karlu) by Veronicah Hampton

Although this quilt was not awarded a prize, I love the way the piece reflects the title of the quilt.  The use of color, combining the muted earth tones with the bright blues of the sky and the brilliant orange/reds of the Jurassic and Triassic periods make this a fabulous quilt!

Set Adrift by Sonya Prchal

Set Adrift by Sonya Prchal

Who could not instantly fall in love with this whimsical quilt!  The dog positively radiates the sadness of being alone in the boat.  It won a first place ribbon.

The Comfort of Stitch by Lee-ann Newton

The Comfort of Stitch by Lee-ann Newton

And, the grand prize winner and winner of the Viewer’s Choice for the show is one amazing quilt!   Although I have shown this in an earlier post, I think it’s worth another look.   Lee-Ann found an old quilt in a thrift store and then painted over the surface of the quilt.

I wish I would have had more time to spend with the amazing quilts at the New Zealand Symposium 2013.  These are but a few of the many that were exhibited.  Stay tuned for a different style of quilts tomorrow . . .




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Lava Glass Cafe

Lava Glass

Lava Glass

The next stop on our tour was Lava Glass, where we enjoyed a hearty lunch in the cafe, complete with a hand-blown glass chandelier.

Hand-blown Glass Chandelier

Hand-blown Glass Chandelier

After lunch, we were treated to a glass blowing, and equally mind-blowing, demonstration of the art by the resident glass artist,  whose name I did not get.  My sincere apologies for that oversight.  

Glass:  The First Step

Glass: The First Step

The first step was to gather some glass from the oven and then further heat it in a hotter oven.

Glass:  Getting Started

Glass: Getting Started

Then, the rolling began, back and forth to begin the shaping.

Glass:  Making the Round

Glass: Making the Round

The process of heating and rolling continued, along with some puffs of air, blown by the man with the strong lungs to expand the glass bubble.

Glass:  Making the Opening

Glass: Making the Opening

After the outside shape was satisfactory, he began working on the mouth of the vase.

Glass:  Shaping the Mouth of the Vessel

Glass: Shaping the Mouth of the Vessel

Finally, and with a delicate touch, the glassblower shapes the mouth of the vessel.

Glass:  Testing the Stopper

Glass: Testing the Stopper

Nearly done now, he tests the pre-made stopper to see if it will fit into the vessel.  It might be suitable for perfume or just a beautiful accent piece in your home.

Glass:  The Final Step

Glass: The Final Step

Perfection!  The final step is to separate the glass from the glass-blowing rod.  Carefully!  In just seconds, the new glass vessel was free and then placed into a curing oven where its temperature would be gradually decreased over the course of 24-48 hours.  If this step were skipped, the glass would cool too quickly and the vessel would shatter.  Some of the larger pieces rest in the cooling ovens for weeks before they are removed.  Now, I have a better understanding of just how difficult it is to make hand-blown glass as well as the prices for these incredible works of art.

Glass for Sale

The Final Artwork






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