Sensational Stars
August 15th, 2013
The first class that I taught was the two-day Sensational Stars where each student designs and stitches her own unique circular star. This was a terrific class where each and every student finished their initial design, and some even got their borders done!
What’s so refreshing about this class is how each design turns out so differently even though we all begin with the same basic exercises.
Most of Lyn’s fabrics were hand-dyed lending to the strong graphic design of this star.
Never a dull moment in quilting class. Just after lunch on day two, there was a fire drill. Now, I was certain that it was not for real, but I was wrong! Large tea urns were provided in the hallways outside the classrooms so we could enjoy hot beverages throughout the day. One of them overheated and the alarms were for a real event! Note that, although it is the middle of winter in this image, it is actually rather warm for a mountain town!
I love the way Peggy used a dark background for her star. It really makes the colors “POP”!
Michelle used traditional types of fabrics in her star. Notice how the red outer trim really sets off the star and distinquishes it from the background.
My students were the STARS of this class! I am so proud of each one and I cannot believe that everyone finished the inner star of their design. I wish that I had enough room in this post to highlight each and every one individually. You ladies are simply sensational!