“Sailing Away” by Jeanette Funk
September 5th, 2011
Jeanette Funk of Grand Juncion, CO sent in this image of a terrific adaption of my “Sailing Away” pattern, published recently by Quiltmaker Magazine.
Hi Gail,
We did a challenge in out quilt guild that involved taking a printed panel and turning it into a quilt. I was having trouble figuring out what to do with it when I saw “Sailing Away” in Quiltmaker and thought maybe I could somehow incorporate my lighthouse panel in that design. When I read that you had published the “Flying Colors” book I ordered it right away. Nothing would gel in my mind until I finally started working on the panel while I kept looking at your “Flying Colors” book. The final result is below. I won third place in our challenge but the most fun was the stretching I had to do to make the quilt come together.
Your book was so helpful and I would like to say thank-you for making it available to all of us quilters. Working on the quilt has given me more confidence to try different designs and move out of my comfort zone…slowly, of course! Thanks again for your inspiring book and quilts.
Jeanette Funk