Gail Garber Designs

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Gail's Quilting Blog

My Place by Fibres Unlimited – Taupo Museum

This post showcases more of the quilts on display at the My Place Exhibit at Taupo Museum.  The text below each of the quilts shown here are the words of their makers.

Our Tapa by Fibres Unlimited

Our Tapa by Fibres Unlimited

Inspired by the work of John Pule and Shane Cotton, each member provided a line drawing which was redrawn onto a piece of rusted fabric.  The members of Fibres Unlimited are

Joan Bright, Auckland
Maggie Dawson, Taupo
Aletta Lamprecht, Taupo
Leith McDougall, Paraparamu
Barbara McQuarrie, Greymouth
Leigh Motion, Taupo
Margaret Scott, Turangi
Morag Scott, Turangi
Coralie Skinner, Motuoapa
Robin Tinkler, Taupo
Pene Williamson, Waitahanui

My Place in the Universe by Aletta Lamprecht and Joan Bright

My Place in the Universe by Aletta Lamprecht and Joan Bright

We all are part of a big universe.  Looking up at the night makes me see the stars and a realization that I am part of this big, mysterious whole.  My view of life is influenced by my beliefs.  Embroidery made by Joan Bright and recycled into a wall handing by Aletta Lamprecht.

Small Pieces

Small Pieces

My Place also included a large number of small pieces including exquisitely detailed insects, and other three dimensional art.

Turangi Sunsets by Margaret Scott

Turangi Sunsets by Margaret Scott

Inspired by the sunsets seen from home.

Untitled by Margaret Scott

Untitled by Margaret Scott

Inspired by the Tongariro National Park and Celtic wave design: signifies Scottish roots.

Ties that Bind by Coralie Skinner and Barbara McQuarrie

Ties that Bind by Coralie Skinner and Barbara McQuarrie

9 Ties for the 9 Artists involved in “Our Place” Fibre, Friends and two Islands.  An expression of the weaving together of our lives inspired by our passion to create.

 Recalibration by Maggie Dawson

Recalibration by Maggie Dawson

When I first came to New Zealand, I would become terribly confused by direction.  My inbuilt system told me that the sun would be in the south at midday.  It took a while to recalibrate.

Red Crater by Coralie Skinner

Red Crater by Coralie Skinner

Inspired by the amazing colors in the Red Crater – Mt. Tongariro.

What talent, and what an amazing exhibit!








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